Friday, August 29, 2008

Travel- space and magical

He was a small man, a true spiritual leader, a wise man, and compassionate and understanding of all human failing, including his own. White-haired, bent and wrinkled, he became Immortal late in mortal life. The strength of his spirit aided him well in the change and he chose the path of longevity purely because he felt he did not yet know all truths. Others had followed his ways- all gone now, but for himself- but they had not seen- as he had- that it was impossible for all truths to be revealed. Truth was subjective, after all, and it was a populated Universe.
The only truth he had suffered over was the ability to travel space. Worlds in solar systems were far apart, solar systems within galaxies were even further removed from each other and galaxies lay within the vast spaces so incredibly distant one from the other that space should be eternally limited to a stint to the local moon. And it was not so. Craft sped the spaces as if travelling between cities, achieving destination in weeks when it should take billions of light years to do so. Astronomers attempted to explain the amazing unseen highways in the black nothingness; engineers attempted to unravel for him the astounding capabilities of engines that could go far faster than light; quantum physicists attempted to explain simply the concept of folded space, of wormholes, of time shortening the further and faster one travelled…and many others slotted in the pieces of a gigantic, boggling puzzle. It was truth that space travel was achieved daily, yet so much that was forever unexplainable accompanied the achievement, that it was short of truth…to him. When, however, he learned of and later saw with his own eyes, the concept of magical travel, city to city, world to world, galaxy to galaxy, in the blink of an eye, he surrendered his search for that truth. Travel was as it was, and it was a God-given gift; who was he to question the ways of God?
He taught himself the ways of magical travel and never again questioned the gift. Some truths belonged only to the High One.

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