Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gathering of Rain - excerpt 2

Llettynn frowned immediately. ‘I am following your logic, but, Tanos, the Valleur did not vanish that long ago and the legend is ancient.’
‘Unless you could manipulate a legend to bridge time, Llettynn, to reach so far back that even the Siric believed they had grown up with it.’ Tanos leaned forward intently. ‘They altered our memories, right back to the oldest among us.’
Impossible, Funl sent, ruffling his feathers.
‘No, Funl,’ Tanos disagreed. ‘I recall them and I am by no stretch of the imagination old enough to have shared space with them. It’s as if by dint of their presence here, once, they entered memories old and young forever. If they had that kind of influence, then a legend reaching back cannot be that hard.’
‘Theoretically, it is possible,’ Llettynn mused. ‘And the Valleur were powerful indeed.’ The Siric looked up. ‘Most arcane magic is Valleur.’

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