Friday, August 29, 2008

Historical Timeline

Year 1 - Valleur Settlement
310 - Vannis weds Mantra
2022 - The Navigator
2536 - Human Settlement (Year 1 – humans)
Space warp
Valleur-human war
Vannis goes into hibernation
2599 - half-Valleur habitat ready
2634 - Earthquake resulting in Aqua Island and Emerald Sound
4090 - Sorcery wars (Ruby of Enlightenment)
5851 - Millanu's return to Valaris
5872 - Tanos’ birth
5906 - Tanos and Millanu
5907 - Tanos’ Immortality Ritual
Torrullin’s birth
5923 - Millanu's death
5941 - Shane, King of the Beggars
6871 - Mason Drew
8061 - Fundor, the Foundling
9500 - Renos, the pirate
9819 - Drasso commences his annihilation
9822 - North and South divided
9833 - Society of Sorcerers and the Mantle
11300 - Ultrain, Chiss Innkeeper
11815 - Rain’s birth
11827 - Changeling is born
11849 - The Game
Vannis returns
Torrullin recalls
Lycea’s past is restored
Margus, Dark Lord
11850 - Tristamil and Tymall born
11875/6 - Tristamil and Tymall come of age
Saska becomes the Lady of Life
Atreidian war and dealing with Neolone
The return of Margus
Tristamil and Tymall die and Torrke is destroyed
Torrullin and Margus enter the Invisible Realms
13876 - The Valleur are exiled in the west, Tannil is Vallorin
Samuel Skyler is revealed as a Valla, as is his son Tristan
Torrullin and Margus return from the Plane
Tymall returns from death as the Warlock
Many Vallas die, including Tannil
Tymall re-enters Digilan
The Kaval is born
Torrullin takes off with Lowen, forsaking Saska
Agnimus is revealed as the new enemy
13876-13901 – Tristan comes of age
Teroux comes of age
Saska and the Lily, the Lady of Life, renew Nemisin’s world
Torrullin and the Kaval establish Sanctuary
13901 -

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