Thursday, August 28, 2008

On the subject of title

When one begins a new novel, there is the working title. Now, the strangest thing about that title is that when a friend, agent, family member asks what your lastest book is dips one head and almost (but not quite) refuses to answer!!!! That tells us that the title is WRONG for the book! If, however, one answers without doubt, know it may already be the right one.

You may work all the way through, complete your novel and still not have the right name. Now is the time to ask for friends and family input! Or you could have your agent or publisher name it...which kind of takes the control away from you, I think.

When a point of stalemate is reached- step away, AWAY, for a while. Do something else, something new, and allow it to swirl around in the back of your thoughts. Invariably, this will gift you your absolute and best title!

Or, fool around with names, variations of words from your book, scribble and doodle...and sometimes, without even trying, bingo, there it is! There is a right title for every work!

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