Sunday, November 9, 2008

In Brief - Walker of Realms

Book Five – Walker of Realms

Place: Valaris- continent & Western Isles


Protagonists: Torrullin, Margus, Saska, Tannil, Mitrill, Caltian, Quilla,Buthos of the Siric, Teighlar, Samuel, Lowen, Fay

Antagonists: Tymall, the new Darkling Horde

Magical tools: Maghdim Medaillon, the sword Trezond
Warlock accruements

In brief: Two thousand years later Torrullin returns to Valaris with Margus as an unlikely ally to fight Tymall returned as Warlock. Tymall is now far more dangerous that Margus ever was. Torrullin understands it requires a Dark Lord and the Enchanter to fight his son. But Torrullin is plagued by a recurring dream and it needs solving to clarify the path ahead. Tymall attempts to set the stage as it was in the past, knowing power lies in there to aid him when confronting his father.

Lead into Animated Spirit: Torrullin has vanished to find Lowen Dalrish. She will lead him into the realm of his dreams. While he is gone many Vallas die at Tymall’s hand, and death and starvation stalks ordinary Valarians.

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