Sunday, November 9, 2008

In Brief - Indivisible Sword

Book 4

Place: Valaris


Protagonists: Torrullin, Vannis, Tanos, Saska, Tristamil, Quilla, Cat, Caballa, Lowen Dalrish

Antagonists: Margus, Tymall, the Dinor

Magical tools: Blue Sword, Green Sword, Tanos’ diamond

In brief: Again Valaris is the ultimate battlefield, Margus versus Torrullin, but this time there are the twins, alter egos to the main players. Torrullin is in quandary, for he loves both his sons, and when he is forced to choose it changes the path of the future. The green and blue swords become one, and Torrullin pulls Margus into an alternate realm to prevent destruction to Valaris as a whole again. He does this after his sons die, and it fuels his rage. The Dark Lord will pay.

Lead into Walker of Realms: Torrke is destroyed, Torrullin, Vannis and Margus have moved on into the invisible realms. Vannis goes his own way (to Raken) and Torrullin and Margus awake in the Flatlands. Their battle is not yet over.

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