Saturday, November 29, 2008


‘As a boy, restricted by my mother’s agelessness, and ruled by the need to find my father, leading to Immortality, in itself is a prison, given the cycles of death and rebirth. I had to avoid detection- not only were there no Vallor in the Universe, but no expectation of it changing. Worse was the fact nobody remembered my people, when I remembered so well. Everyday was a cage, of the mind, of heritage, of loneliness. Then came Rain and another damn cage, in the form of prophecy. Everything I did had been foretold. I was half-blood, son to Tanos, grandson to Vannis, the One, Enchanter, the duality of a terribly prophetic naming, but where was Torrullin? My sons imprisoned me and they still do. Both of them. I thought I was breaking out when I orchestrated the destruction of Torrke, but to my horror prophecy awaited me in the flatlands. I had not escaped. Now here I am, following the road I myself predicted, and still dealing with my sons. Do I feel caged? Damn right I do.’

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