Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sacred Space

Elianas’ eyes travelled over that fair face. ‘Do you know where the most sacred space of all is, Torrullin? It is not the place where the Throne was conceived or where it is now. It is not the spaces between worlds, it is not the realms of bliss or time, and it isn’t the romance of history, the legends of better times. It is not the house of a deity, the stones of a god or goddess, or the whispers of the stones of antiquity. It isn’t the Lifesource or any Valleur site, and it isn’t in the beauty of a new day. It is here.’ He placed his hand over his heart. ‘And it is there.’ He placed his other hand over Torrullin’s heart. ‘Deny this sanctum, my brother, and you deny life.’ He leaned forward, his hands dropping slowly away. ‘I know what you want of me, and now you must know that what I want of you has just increased a thousand fold, and yet, despite that, I go where you go…because that is the only heart’s desire that really matters. Sacred space, my brother, or we are the walking dead.’

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