Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In Brief - Animated Spirit

Book Six – Animated Spirit

Place: Valaris, Luvanor, Grinwallin


Protagonists: Torrullin, Teighlar, Saska, Lowen, Quilla, Margus

Antagonists: Tymall, Agnimus, Digilan’s creatures- the Mor Feru
(or draithen)

Magical tools: Sword of Light, Warlock accruements, Valleur Throne

In brief: The realm of dreams is a place for the Hounding. Torrullin needs divest himself of his past in order to function in his future. To become Elixir, the Animated Spirit, this must be done. As Elixir he has greater power than his Warlock son. At his side in this is Lowen Dalrish. The sentient entity of Grinwallin rises up, and in the end Tymall is the one who must choose as he and his father come head-to-head.

Lead into Sacred Space: Torrullin has chosen Lowen over Saska, and is filled with guilt. He enters the Dome as Kaval leader and begins that journey.

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