Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dreams (2)

Tristan was watching him intently, while Torrullin was relaxing with head bowed. ‘Those are dreams caused internally, and there’s another not yet mentioned, and that’s the linked dream. This type is generally related to past incidences, an event, forgotten or relegated to memory as solved, no longer pertinent, then abruptly those results from the past come forward to play a new role, leaving the subject confused- dreaming the link brings it back into focus. Admittedly, those are rare, a force only when the past is deliberately locked away.’ Lucan smiled suddenly. ‘I didn’t know I knew so much about dreams…’
When Torrullin raised his head to fix a beady eye on him, his smile vanished. ‘Right. I may be leaving something out, but those are the general internal dreams. Now we come to its opposite- images that are external, not a result of personal experience or memory. Before I name those, let me say often these are confused with fantasy, where fantasy isn’t wishful thinking but pure fairytale, the latter being an unattainable utopia or, horribly, nightmare wanderings of a disturbed psyche. Dreams can be good, comfortable or a nightmare, and everything I said applies to the latter also.’ He paused and noticed Tristan was now studying his hands with great attention and Torrullin was covertly watching the boy.
Well, now he knew why they were here. He drew breath and delved into the inexact science of external dreams.
‘Those without magic are unaware of the power of the ether and don’t realise all is connected by that invisible force. A dreamer on Pilan, one who believes himself both unique and alone in all the universe, may dream one night of, say, a Centuar, and on waking won’t know he made a connection to the encompassing power of the ether. Either he’ll declare he a godly visitation, an acceptable explanation for him and his people, or he’ll believe it a hallucination, possibly a nightmare, and will shy away. In this way, shamans of ancient peopled used hallucinogenic substances to enter the realm of the ether to see visions, and exit without a clear understanding of what was seen, calling it symbolism, unravelling it to fit with known reality. For the most part, for always there are exceptions. To move on- external dreams emanate from that place. There are three main, well, types. Images from other worlds, images from other times and the symbolism of sorcerers, the latter being real hard to explain, and a combination of any two is frightening for an untrained or unprepared mind. Again, one isn’t limited to nocturnal hours…one may not even be asleep.’ Lucan paused. ‘My Lord, you could’ve told him all this.’

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