Thursday, October 9, 2008

In brief - Path of Shades

Book Three – Path of Shades

Place: Valaris, Atreidi in the Forbidden Zone

Characters: Protagonists: Torrullin, Vannis, Tanos, Saska, Cat Dalrish, Matt Dalrish,
Caltian, Tristamil, Tymall, Teighlar, Queen Abdiah of the Kallanon
Bartholamu of the Siric
Antagonists: Dragon Neolone, Murs Siric, Mysor

Magical tools: Dragon Taliesman, Blue Sword, Green Sword

In brief:
It is the Coming-of Age ceremony of the twins, Tristamil and Tymall, and the time for their unmasking is due. One walks in the Light, the other in the Dark. At this time a prophecy concerning a Dragon Taliesman is uncovered that can destroy everyone’s way of life, and Torrullin takes a team into the Forbidden Zone, to Atreidi, to prevent the catastrophe. War is brought to that world, and Tymall is revealed as the host for Margus, the Dark Lord already once fought and defeated. Grinwallin, ancient city, rises anew to its second chance with Emperor Teighlar of the Senlu as ruler.

Lead into Indivisible Sword:
The Atreidian war is over, the Murs and Mysor defeated, and Grinwallin is safe. However, Torrullin is now aware Margus has returned in the guise of his son Tymall. He, Tristamil, Saska, Vannis, Tanos, Matt and Caltian leave the Forbidden Zone swiftly in order to lead Margus/Tymall away from the war torn world.

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