Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Avior Door

He who enters cannot leave by the same token. When all hope is lost, it will be renewed. When all life has ceased, the seed will sprout anew. In the whorl will appear all that was, is and must be. Balance is restored, and the new way becomes fresh. So it is foreseen as the stars settle into their patterns. So it will be when the dancing suns and dying moons meet, when all lost memory is rediscovered, when from sword and seat form is returned, and a city of light is gifted new light. This is the wording of oracles. When these events are seen, thus will be forthcoming a new journey. This will be the journey of unbalance, for it is known that in all things there are two parts, one the opposite of the other. In the whorl lay entrance and exit, in unbalance there is neither. This door before you, travellers, is but a devised means and may be used only once. Know now the journey is beyond and there is no return through this door. The dragon and the sword will enter together as they must, as is foretold. In the dark is found light, and in the light is found dark, and everywhere will be shadow. Beyond the veil lies the answer and in the answer lies the labyrinth where shadows mark the corners of curves. Lords of all, bring forth the shadows. Balance will fail, unbalance will sunder, and even shadow will have no power. Nothing exists. This is the wording of oracles. Bring forth the shadows.

Carlin of Cèlaver’s translation of the hieroglyphs on the Avior door discovered on Echolone

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