Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Universal Music

A tree is letter, a stone is number, the molecule of water is word and the wind is harmony. Together they sing and dance and rule the Universe. When they fall silent, when they are not seen, the next note could be discordant, the ensuing symbol could be beautiful beyond description. It depends entirely on how you wait and what you expect.
If you expect nothing, you will not be disappointed, but you will also never know the difference between beauty and a note out of time.
If you expect everything, you will be disappointed indeed, for nothing is ever as expected, but you will know…yes, you will know.

Friday, October 24, 2008


A space lattice, in the three dimensions, is any of 14 possible geometric arrangements of points, at which, at the very least, the components of a crystal may form…this is why crystal propulsion is so clean and so very efficient, to name but one effect.

A space lattice, in the realm of sorcery, is all of 14 possible and impossible arrangements in the geotic fields, and include the laws of necromancy and the location of high magnetic energy points of sacred sites.

A space lattice, in the fourth dimension and those beyond, is the 14 impossible arrangements of will and thought, where the continuum is temporal and spacial simultaneously, at which point space-time unfolds and space-folds are beyond measurable time.

In this lattice lies all possibility, where not even imagination has ever been. This is Reaume, and Ariann…and, yes, lest you forget, Lethe. Watch yourself, friend.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Atmosphere and ideas

Many photos spark new ideas, and this is one of them. I find this fits in snuggly with atmosphere in Tales of the Valla. This could be Galilan (Valaris) or Grinwallin (Luvanor)...and off I go!!!!
For more brillaint photos from a brilliant photographer, go to http://aucklanddailyphoto.com/

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Numbers are universal. Mathematics is the order of time. It is also the creativity in nature, the music in cosmic travel, the rule in science, the language that transcends every barrier and the stuff of daily labour. It is godly and it is mundane.
Without it life fails.
Without it magic is impossible.
Various numbers have various powers, from the imagination of the smallest to the impossibility of the greatest, but in the realms of magic one number reigns supreme.

Avior Door

He who enters cannot leave by the same token. When all hope is lost, it will be renewed. When all life has ceased, the seed will sprout anew. In the whorl will appear all that was, is and must be. Balance is restored, and the new way becomes fresh. So it is foreseen as the stars settle into their patterns. So it will be when the dancing suns and dying moons meet, when all lost memory is rediscovered, when from sword and seat form is returned, and a city of light is gifted new light. This is the wording of oracles. When these events are seen, thus will be forthcoming a new journey. This will be the journey of unbalance, for it is known that in all things there are two parts, one the opposite of the other. In the whorl lay entrance and exit, in unbalance there is neither. This door before you, travellers, is but a devised means and may be used only once. Know now the journey is beyond and there is no return through this door. The dragon and the sword will enter together as they must, as is foretold. In the dark is found light, and in the light is found dark, and everywhere will be shadow. Beyond the veil lies the answer and in the answer lies the labyrinth where shadows mark the corners of curves. Lords of all, bring forth the shadows. Balance will fail, unbalance will sunder, and even shadow will have no power. Nothing exists. This is the wording of oracles. Bring forth the shadows.

Carlin of Cèlaver’s translation of the hieroglyphs on the Avior door discovered on Echolone

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How to follow Tales of the Valla

Hello all readers!

We all like to see who reads what we write, don't we? Now there is a way to do this! Add your name to Followers in the sidebar, or add my blog to your list of blogs in your Dashboard. Thus I can see you and others can, too. I can click onto yours and read what you are all about, and others will as well.

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PS: Do the same for Bards and Tales here: http://bardsandtales.blogspot.com

Thursday, October 9, 2008

In brief - Path of Shades

Book Three – Path of Shades

Place: Valaris, Atreidi in the Forbidden Zone

Characters: Protagonists: Torrullin, Vannis, Tanos, Saska, Cat Dalrish, Matt Dalrish,
Caltian, Tristamil, Tymall, Teighlar, Queen Abdiah of the Kallanon
Bartholamu of the Siric
Antagonists: Dragon Neolone, Murs Siric, Mysor

Magical tools: Dragon Taliesman, Blue Sword, Green Sword

In brief:
It is the Coming-of Age ceremony of the twins, Tristamil and Tymall, and the time for their unmasking is due. One walks in the Light, the other in the Dark. At this time a prophecy concerning a Dragon Taliesman is uncovered that can destroy everyone’s way of life, and Torrullin takes a team into the Forbidden Zone, to Atreidi, to prevent the catastrophe. War is brought to that world, and Tymall is revealed as the host for Margus, the Dark Lord already once fought and defeated. Grinwallin, ancient city, rises anew to its second chance with Emperor Teighlar of the Senlu as ruler.

Lead into Indivisible Sword:
The Atreidian war is over, the Murs and Mysor defeated, and Grinwallin is safe. However, Torrullin is now aware Margus has returned in the guise of his son Tymall. He, Tristamil, Saska, Vannis, Tanos, Matt and Caltian leave the Forbidden Zone swiftly in order to lead Margus/Tymall away from the war torn world.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Map of Western Isles

In brief - Lifegiver

Book Two – Lifegiver

Place: Valaris

Characters: Protagonists: Torrullin, Tanos, Vannis, Saska, Lycea, Raken, Quilla, Phet

Antagonists: Margus, Infinity, Symbiotic Horde

Magical tools: Maghdim Medaillon, Ancient Oracles, Valleur Throne

In brief:
Rain is now Torrullin, the Valla, and his mission is to end the Dark Lord’s path of destruction. As he is Destroyer and Lifegiver, the make up of an Enchanter, the final outcome is in doubt until the very end. A massive showdown takes place at the Pillars of Fire between Torrullin and Margus, and the Dark Lord is defeated.

Lead into Path of Shades:
Peace returns to Valaris and the process of rebuilding begins. Torrullin builds his Keep and awaits the birth of his son. Twins are born and, as Valleur have to be recognised in the womb, the fact that one boy was not, sets the stage for hate and strife in the next book. The Enchanter will soon battle his sons, Tristamil and Tymall.

In brief - Gathering of Rain

Book One – Gathering of Rain

Place: Valaris

Main Characters: Protagonists: Rain/Torrullin, Tanos, Llettynn, Saska,
Averroes/Lycea, Vannis, Phet
Antagonists: Margus, Infinity, Soul-wraiths and Darkling Horde.

Magical tools: Maghdim Medaillon, Ruby of Enlightenment/Entrances,
Ancient Oracles

In brief:
On Valaris Infinity’s game of revenge uncovers many secrets and heralds great change. Rain is gathered over the course of the tale to battle the Dark Lord Margus. At his side is Vannis, the last Vallorin, Tanos, Lord of the Guardians, Saska of the Mer and others, all forming the team that plays a game that leads to ancient truths.

Lead into Lifegiver:
As all the other members of the team gather on the Mystic Island to await Torrullin. Rain become Torrullin hunts the whereabouts of Margus, Infinity and the two armies. He becomes Destroyer in order to do so. The hopes of all the players are listed