Monday, September 15, 2008

Neolone Dragon

He was an emissary sent to discover where the sorcerers had fled. A singular choice to exit one reality for another, tracking the cold trail of the vanished Q’lin’la. He was a creature of surpassing talent, but once he tore through the barrier, he discovered there was no way to return.
If he desired to go back he needed the Q’lin’la…or had to find another who knew the secrets of Rifts.
He came at a time when the Universe was in turmoil and it was familiar to him, this endless strife. What was not so familiar was the variety of species, each hounding him in their way, so many of them capable of sorcery…and he discovered that the power in the Light- previously sneered at- could be a truly powerful weapon. He had not expected a crowded realm and found he was more often fleeing than fighting. His appearances and disappearances during those first years searching for the feathered beings, is the phenomenon that heralded the myths that followed about dragons and their ferocity. He could not find the Q’lin’la, for they had already undergone the transformation from birdmen into Immortal birds, but he did find others with great skill in magic. These he bled dry of knowledge and yet none of it availed him the way home.
A few more years he roamed, learning, training and garnering ever more power, and in the process he discovered that there was such a beast as prophecy. It intrigued him, particularly when he understood that many an ancient telling had come to pass. These were living futures, glimpses of a time yet to come, and he gathered them all together- much as the Q’lin’la had before opting for transformation- and in those he found the thread that told of the coming of the One, a powerful being carrying within both powers of good and evil. Now that, he thought, was the very road to his salvation, a salvation that would see him return triumphantly to his realm. Good and evil, in one being- the One would have power over Rifts, had to have. He traced the telling back to the source, to the being that fathered the bloodline of this future force…and there he discovered Nemisin of the Valleur, the first Vallorin of the Ancients, the father of the Valla bloodline.
Every instinct revealed to him he was right and thus he warped time itself and went to the ancient rock to deal with Nemisin in person. The warping of time was something the Kallanon had garnered from the Q’lin’la, as they had their name, but they altered the art to suit their needs, warping it in truth, as they had with all they had been taught. It was, however, not a thing of evil, the manipulation of time; it was simply a power they had mastered, becoming greater than their instructors at it.
Nemisin came as a surprise to the Dragon emissary. Not his appearance- he was by then accustomed to bipedal creatures without scaled armour- and it was not his strength, his growing power so far back in the beginnings of magic or his awareness of the future, no; it was the man’s arrogance. It was something so akin to the Dragon’s way that the emissary felt almost welcome, if wary. That kind of arrogance bred treachery, and that had to be watched…and could also be so very useful.
The awareness of the future continued to intrigue him, of course, for it was an entirely alien concept. The Dragons had always thought in terms of the next battle and even when that battle was generations in the planning and preparing, it was never futuristic; it began and ended with said battle. But Nemisin, ruler of the golden Valleur, thought in aeons, delving into the distant future to reach for a glimpse of duty to the present. It was sobering, causing the emissary to realise how little the Kallanon really understood time, sentience and Universal cycles. All were integrally linked. Worlds were formed and destroyed in that linkage, and that was awe-inspiring. Had he the wherewithal to stand back and view his own actions objectively, the emissary would have seen that this realm had worked its magic on him also; he had become a creature in the grip of its ways. In his decision to go direct to the source of the prophetic One, he was choosing the long road, displacing the present with a distant and obscure goal. He was basing his existence of a view, a view only, of the future. He was, at that time, incapable of reasoning that way. And thus, ages back, a Kallanon, a Dragon, requested audience with the golden Vallorin Nemisin and the future was about to change. Or would it- had it not already been told?

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