Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Thousands of years ago when the Valleur settled Valaris, this was the place they came to. Water and its life-giving properties were and are extremely important to the Golden…to all races, true, who rely on oxygen and fertility to survive, but to the Valleur water was their collective soul, something to be respected at all times, something to be worshipped as a living entity. Thus they did not name rivers, for naming that to be worshipped was considered sacrilege. Thus they came here to acknowledge Life. Although Valaris had larger and broader rivers elsewhere, here the water was vibrant, trembling with joyous life within the core of the planet, and bursting forth into the light and freedom of the world in splendid glory. Here they built a temple of transcendent beauty, infused with the very earth’s telluric currents …small wonder that the monuments to death were located in the neighbouring valley: life and death, inseparable.

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