Sunday, March 29, 2009


Recent weeks have seen me virtually glued to the Authonomy site and I have thus somewhat neglected posting here.
For those of you who haven't yet heard of this site, here it is in brief:

1. register
2. create a profile with avatar
3. upload at least 10 000 words of your book (with book cover)

The point is for other writers to read and comment on your work, and, of course, you would return the favour. As other read your work they have the option of watchlisting your book or shelving it. Every time this happens your book moves up the ranks, and the more you do so for others, the greater your personal ranking.

The real point: to reach the top 5...and that gifts you a read from HarperCollins!

Give it a go!

That is it in brief, but be warned: HIGHLY ADDICTIVE!

Go, go, go, what are you waiting for??? Go to

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