Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cover for Gathering of Rain (option ?)

Have posted other covers (see label 'book covers')...and this one is currently on Authonomy. Thoughts, anyone?


Recent weeks have seen me virtually glued to the Authonomy site and I have thus somewhat neglected posting here.
For those of you who haven't yet heard of this site, here it is in brief:

1. register
2. create a profile with avatar
3. upload at least 10 000 words of your book (with book cover)

The point is for other writers to read and comment on your work, and, of course, you would return the favour. As other read your work they have the option of watchlisting your book or shelving it. Every time this happens your book moves up the ranks, and the more you do so for others, the greater your personal ranking.

The real point: to reach the top 5...and that gifts you a read from HarperCollins!

Give it a go!

That is it in brief, but be warned: HIGHLY ADDICTIVE!

Go, go, go, what are you waiting for??? Go to

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Final Frontier

The final frontier, in my opinion, lies only in the imagination. From Earth to the Stars, we are able to travel...simply because we desire to do so. Humankind has taken the baby steps that allows us to see and we can use our imagination to take us beyond the boundaries, and one day we shall go where no man has gone before.
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Right here on earth...and yet is this not also an otherworld? These are the images that inspire writers and dreamers.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Difference is thought provoking...

Right here on earth there are creatures in some regions that differ greatly from those found in the koala. One could almost imagine them coming to our tiny blue planet from somewhere else...

Others on the list:

Lemurs - Madagascar
Kangaroo - Australia
Komodo Dragon - Komodo islands
Llama - South America
Ostrich - South Africa
Platypus - Australia and Tasmania
Giant squid - Antarctic

Many others, and let us not forget that in the insect kingdom there are species that defy description...and our oceans remain an otherworld.
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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Through the spaces of worlds

If you read Tales of the Valla you will note I often speak of the spaces between worlds, an ethereal highway that allows for magical travel, as well as the extraordinary use of senses. Much happens in these spaces and yet they remain unseen...just as a fantasy lover needs it to be! Much can be attributed to the unseen....
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