Wednesday, April 22, 2009

House of Valla

Volume II.

Basically, this is the second half of a too long first volume, with a few tweaks.

Gathering of Rain after an edit

The first volume is still Gathering of Rain, but I have cut the word count from 300 000 to 140 000...and this will no doubt be trimmed further.
If you want to read Gathering of Rain, register with Authonomy and search me out there!

Changes have been made!

Dear heaven, it's almost the end of April! I have been very busy writing (and spending time on Authonomy) and have thus ignored posting. Sorry, but one can only do so much!

For your information Tales of the Valla has undergone a change of structure. Instead of ten books, there are now eleven. And following on from there, five novels for a new epic - Tales of Alhazen. No doubt a blog for Alhazen will see air one day soon!

I have also changed the titles of a few Valla tales and will update previous posts with new labels to that effect.

To me, it makes more sense now AND my word count has dropped considerably per novel. The latter is, naturally, a big issue.

Previous 'In Brief' posts are slightly off the mark now, but you can still get a sense of this epic. Updates to follow, as well as pertinent excerpts.

Nice talking to you and chat soon again!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Little World

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