Sunday, December 28, 2008

Music and colour

As they walked, the music commenced; the beautiful spiritual melodies of the soul, once heard, forever yearned for when silenced. It grew in volume and intricacy with each chamber and each colour. Silver, rose, magenta, pale moonlight, saffron, turquoise, starlight, emerald, violet, palest blue, glaring orange…on and on it went, and with it the music. Voiceless angels, whispering flutes, crooning violins, transcendental, the distant notes of holy song, a celestial dirge. It was and it was not. Ancient philosophers had regarded the universe as a type of music, with different harmonies, octaves and notes, perfect in its creation, with patterns weaved in amongst the greater song…and perhaps they had been right. Hearing the melodies was akin to feeling the nature of all things, and it went far beyond feelings…for feelings were too subjective. Here there was objectivity, neutrality, logic, and yet it led and led, it created, and it could not be denied.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Humans are the latecomers to the grand scheme that is the pattern arrayed throughout the spaces of time. They are the finishing of universal evolution. Humankind, however, shouldn’t be relegated to the backbenches simply because they are last. Not ever. Understand this: humans are born hurriedly and pass away as swiftly- they flit through measured time in the blink of an eye. Long-lived races cannot fathom them and sometimes do not credit them with intelligence, for how is haste meaningful? And yet, because time passes out of reach so swiftly, humans evolved at speeds that put the long-lived to shame. Intelligence is inherent, the need to question and reach out to beyond known theory is ingrained from birth, as is the desire to excel, grow and be counted.
Humans reach for the stars; they fail and succeed, and go beyond theory. They become great players in the pattern and soon fill spaces previously believed sacrosanct, and come to the notice of others. To name them unintelligent is a grave error.

And yet haste leads to terrible calamity. First among these is the growth factor. Numerous worlds have borne the brunt of population explosions- life is cheap, life is polluted, life is meaningless. In this, their actions parallel what others think of humans. In the final analysis, humans are capable of greatness and have attained it, and also able to sink into the depths…they have done that as well.

Trees - old souls

‘It’s beautiful now,’ Raken said softly, understanding.
Vannis nodded, but for him it wasn’t the same. ‘The Valleur regard water as sacrosanct, but trees are friends…to lose one is a personal grief, a wrenching…trees are one of the few species that are able to live as long as the Valleur…’ He drew breath, exhaled. ‘Some of them still stand.’
‘Aqua Island is more densely forested, but most of the trees are young,’ Raken said. ‘About two hundred years ago they began clearing the island of its ancient trees, the wood being a precious commodity, what with aversion to the Great Forest up north. Then they cleared it for habitation.’ She noted how he smiled. ‘You’re smiling because you know the land refused to stay cleared. When a tree fell the one day, by next morning another was growing, hardy little saplings that absolutely refused to budge. Within a week those saplings were as tall as the felled tree, if not as broad. Eventually Aqua Island was left to its own devices, and folk today believe it to be haunted by the spirits of murdered trees.’
‘I remember that,’ Torrullin muttered. He was Ultrain at the time, and found an excuse to be there, afraid of what they might find if they dug too far, but returned to Chiss smiling. The forest held its own, and everyone was afraid of the strange ruins discovered in the midst of ancient trees.

Light up life

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Inanimate Objects

Go to for a whole new tale! Enjoy!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Season time....

Yes, another year is almost over...and we can still remember the nineties when we thought the year 2000 would NEVER arrive!! Time moves on. And now time is at a premium- too much to do, too much taking time away from writing and blogging.

Thus, taking a break and will be back in the new year (may post a titbit or two before then, when time allows...)

For your information: Tales of the Valla has a season of cheer as well, different name, different culture, but instantly recogniseable...

Have a great Christmas and New Year, everyone!

Saturday, December 6, 2008